The Foundation of Life

Soil Health & Digital Storytelling
Experience Design
Installation + AR Experience
blender + Adobe Aero + Adobe Dimension



Soil is not dirt. Despite being a vital resource, similar to air or water, soil can often appear abstract or insignificant to most people. This campaign aimed to raise awareness about soil health through an interactive, augmented reality experience. It was crucial for the project narrative to be accessible to everyone and convey the profound connection that each individual has with soil.


This was a multimedia project that could be experienced in augmented reality or in person via a graphical presentation.



Formulating the AR experience into a compellingĀ narrative required multiple prototypes. This was primarily a result of the transfer in detail of my blender models to the capacities of Adobe Aero.

Aero is a great program for creating rapid AR experiences, particularly with speed. However, it does have its limitations that become apparent quickly. This was my initial immersive journey into the world of AR experiences, and it was enlightening to discover the tools available to designers. Since then, I have expanded my toolbox in the realm of AR/VR but will always return to Aero for rapid prototyping.


Design Output

This work was displayed in partnership with an environmental group from Syracuse University. It was presented as both an installation and a digital experience.

This project was rewarding as it significantly increased my technological comfort. However, the final experience was somewhat limited. For instance, I developed an interactive digital experience with responsiveness and recordings, but it required users to download a new app, which negatively impacted engagement. Despite this limitation, I now consider these elements within my skillset and consider the project a personal success.

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Read the recent DMI article here.

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